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Video Project: Broken Fairy Tale  

(How you recover with a broken heart)

Project Statement:

In this video, I was trying to tell my story of breaking up. Therefore, the issue defined in this project is the sadness and despair after breaking up and how people recover with a broken heart. The reason why it connects to the theme of "Fairy Tales" is because I thought this relationship with my first lover is as sweet and lucky as a fairy tale. However, when it ends, I was totally unable to stand the feelings that come to me. It broke my heart and the fairy tale became a broken fairy tale.

I separate the video into three parts: angry and crazy right after breaking up; despairing and heartbroken after breaking up for a while; and finally getting more positive and brave after accepting the fact of losing the lover. The main actress's state of mind is mainly connected by how she plays the piano. 

In the first part, I used the shot of an unanswered call to imply the breakup. The withered and fallen rose shows the end of the relationship. The girl plays something quite aggressive, telling that she is super angry and manic right after breaking up.

For the second part, the string lights, the tear fallen from the girl's face and the revolving sky indicate that the girl is having a very unsettled mindset. A bunch of feelings rush into her mind so that she mentally breaks down when playing the piano and cries on it.

In the last part of the video, the scenes become much more positive and bright than before, and the girl can finally play the piano calmly. I created a couple of reverse shots to show that she has gradually recovered from the breakup, and the video finally ends on the rose, which implies that she will soon start a new life.

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